Monday, September 13, 2010

Making Veggies New

I have them. You have them. We all have them. The veggies that have been in the fridge past their due date. So how do you make them new again? By tuning them into soup!

I made this soup by taking half and onion and about one carton of mushrooms and covering them with chicken broth. I cooked the veggies till tender and then added in the rest of the spinach left in my fridge. Let the soup first cool to room temperature, then puree in the blender. Trust me on the waiting to cool part - I tried while it was hot and made a big ol' mess and burned my hand. Once soup is ready you can serve chilled (great in these hot summer months) or reheat on the stove. I topped mine with feta. It was delish!


  1. It's really a great idea to use up old veggies. I've never been much of a soup maker but I really would like to learn :)

  2. I always do the same thing with past-ripe veggies..or throw em in some bread..zucchinis, carrots, etc

