Friday, April 30, 2010

Calorie Sch-malorie

Someone tell me I'm not the only one who obsesses about beverages that have calories? I'm a water drinking fool. I pretty much always drink water because it has no calories! Next up would be hot and iced teas. I often drink these without sweetener, but sometimes I use a little honey to help with my allergies. After all, there are only 20 calories in a teaspoon of honey. I also have been drinking a good amount of kombucha. It has calories, but not as many as soda, and it has health benefits so I look at it as okay. Then comes the dreaded diet soda. I try not to drink these, but there's usually one a week that slips in. On my jam packed busy weeks with super early mornings, there are probably a few more. I also drink lattes on occasion. These are usually first thing in the am on my jam packed busy weeks with super early mornings following up with diet soda to keep the caffeine buzz. Yes, lattes have [skim] milk in them, but milk is good for the body so I'm okay with those calories.

But now beverages that contain calories freak me out. It is very very very very rare I will ever drink a real soda and here's why - the whole time I'm drinking it the only thing I can think about is this is 160 calories and 60 grams of sugar! I drink sports drinks before/after a big run, like my half marathon when I know I'm gonna burn 1,300 calories and need the electrolytes, but I not just on a daily basis. Now do I think about calories when I'm drinking my large glass of wine? Nah, that's a "health" beverage. ;-) But sodas, juices, flavored waters, sports drinks all give me I'm drinking calories anxiety. Anyone else out there? I know I can't be the only one!

I am a real person though and as I've said before I'm not always healthy. I may straight up be drinking a diet coke while eating gummy bears at the same time. I'm scared to drink my calories, but not afraid to eat them. Or as I discussed in Monday's post about being a Weekend Warrior - alcohol has no calories, right? I guess what I'm saying is I shouldn't fear the beverage calories and remember to eat/drink everything in moderation. If someone hands me a latte made with whole milk I should enjoy it as a special treat and know that it's not something I have on regular basis. So here's to calories in moderation! Cheers!

Looking for some Free Stuff? Check out these blogs for some giveaways.

Lara at Thinspired is giving away Attune granola
Travel Eat Love is giving away an entire case of Honest Tea
The Emily of Emily Eats Clean is giving away 6 boxes of Truvia sweetener.

Now for yesterdays EATS!

Because I was so stressed yesterday I didn't really eat much. My yogurt sat on my desk all morning and I never touched it. I still wasn't hungry when I went home for lunch but I made this for lunch anyway. Veggie burger on whole wheat English muffin, with Dijon aioli, spinach, and half a Wholly Guacamole 100 calorie pack.

Back in the office I had some kombucha

After work I headed home and knew I was in need of some comfort food. I pulled a pot roast out of the freezer and put it back into the crock-pot, after I thawed it under cold water of course. I then headed off to the gym where I did 25 minutes on the elliptical and then an hour long vinyasa yoga class. I felt sooooo good after that class. I came home and the house was full of warm pot roast. Mmmmmm! I had some of my amazing grass-wanna-be while I made some Cauli-mashers to go with my pot roast.

2 large russet potatoes, peeled, diced
1/2 head cauliflower, cut into bite size pieces
1/2 cup Greek yogurt
1 tablespoon butter
1/2 cup of grated cheese

Bring potatoes and cauliflower to a boil, cook until tender. Strain out water and then put cauliflower and potatoes in a mixing bowl. Add remaining ingredients and mix with a hand mixer.

That's all for now friends. My schedule is going to be really crazy this month with lots of travel and a stay-cation with my best-ies! Then I'll be traveling to San Fran and then on to Denver for work. I'll try my best to keep up with my eats, but I have a feeling now it's going to be a crazy month! So bare with me. :-)


  1. I'm the same way with beverages-- it doesn't freak me out, I just don't drink sodas or sports drinks. I literally cannot remember the last time I had regular soda!

    But I'm with you-- wine doesn't count :-)

  2. Hey! I am with you on caloric drinks. It is RARE I drink juice, and never soda...rarely milk. I do make the exception for coffee, wine, and beer, however :) It's just not a good place to spend calories, and I don't think you're silly for thinking it. I think your're smart! 1 can of soda a day increases risk of diabetes by 83%!!!! That's insane!

  3. I generally don't drink my calories either. It used to be *because* of the calories, but now it's because most caloric drinks are because of the sugar (even "healthy" juices). When I do want juice, I usually have a little bit with club soda, which is actually tastier in my opinion. I also put heavy cream in my coffee, but even then it's generally no more than 50 calories. Not to mention I'm a fat-lover, so I don't mind adding it into my morning pick-me-up :)

  4. Aioli Garlic Mustard Sauce??? sounds like HEAVEN :D

    Hmm.. I've never been worried about calories that I drink, I know I should be at least a bit but somehow I always forget that while drinking soda etc. I'm actually drinking a lot of calories!!

    I'm very very very jealous that you get to travel to San Francisco!

  5. I used to go to get starbucks and other coffee all the time in high school then avoided it like the plague when I went to college because I was so afraid of the freshman 15 and empty calories. I've just recently started going back to get drinks that I love as a special treat. I try to be careful with liquid calories but I want to live a little too! I wish I could grab a case of kamboucha but it's mighty pricey

