Thursday, April 1, 2010

Do as I say, Not as I do...

It's been one of those kinds of weeks. The ones where you are going non-stop, eating out every night, drinking entirely too much. Not only am I exhausted but my body has been screaming STOOOOOOOOOOP! I would guess this is not the way most people who are running a half marathon on Saturday would prepare. But who knows, maybe I've stumbled onto a new thing! Hahahahaha!


I don't have much to write today, so how about some interesting articles I've come across this week!
Now on to my [not always] good eats!

Lunch was left over tofu stirfry over quinoa. I froze the remains of last weeks dinner so I could heat it up at work when I don't have time for a lunch break. It looked a little better when I served it last week.

Last night after work I went to the Dodgers vs. Reds game here in Vegas! I had this banana as I was driving to meet friends (note I was at a complete stop while I was waiting for the gate to open before taking the pic!)

 The pool weather we had Monday has gone out the door, instead we had chilly high winds and sprinkling rain. Bikini back to down coats and Uggs. Brrrrrrrr!

I had this giant pretzel with artficial cheese. I big heart artificial cheese, although I rarely eat it. It holds a special place in my heart right next to bacon. I also had one beer and then a glass of wine (because it was too cold to drink beer) before we decided it was entirely too cold to be watching baseball, especially when the Dodgers were really just not playing. I'm serious people. They just let balls fall to their feet and hit the ground.

We decided to hit up some karaoke instead. Go Tiff! Go Tiff! Work the room!

I had 3 more beers and we shared this sampler of fried crap. I think I had a bite of each; a chicken tender, a fried mozzarella, a fried ravioli, an onion ring (or two), a chicken wing and couple french fries. Fried, fried, fried. I'll gladly report we probably left at least half of it untouched.

Between the drinking, lack of sleeping and extremely poor eating, ohhh my body hates me right now...

So I started off the morning right again, besides the no sleep part. Half cup plain yogurt, raspberries, and heaping tablespoon of flax seed.

Healthy eating starts again today! As I've said before, just because you fall off the healthy eating wagon doesn't mean you can jump right back on it!

1 comment:

  1. Hehe, sounds like you've been busy and had a lot of fun! :) my summers are usually like that, I'm always going somewhere and eating out a lot... not to mention drink way too much!

