Monday, March 22, 2010

Cheat Weekend

I had a cheat weekend. Yep, not just one day, but a whole weekend. I did an 11 mile run Friday night and burned 1,400 calories so I figured I was allowed to overindulge all weekend. My food philosophy is 90/10. Ninety percent of the time I eat healthy, and ten percent I allow myself to eat what ever I want and [try to] not feel guilty! I usually try to balance out my unhealthy choices with exercise but what fun is life without a little gluttony?!

I think it's very important to find balance in all parts of life, and even more important, it's okay to not be perfect. Many time we get caught up on little things such as, I just ate that brownie, now my diets ruined! Not necessarily. Over a course of a week of food intake, a brownie is not going to ruin your diet, however, if you eat a whole sheet of brownies, that may be a different story. If you stick to healthy eating a majority of the time, then treat or splurges on occasion balance out. And of course remember, tomorrows a new day! So even if you overindulge one day, the next day is a clean slate for you to start again.

What's your food philosophy? Do you have cheat days? What tricks do you use to find balance in your life?

My weekend meals looked like this. Friday after my 11 mile run I had a green monster! The only thing that got me through the last 2 miles was thinking about my refreshing green monster at the end.

It actually ended up being a purple monster though because I added beets.

This purple monster had
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 c frozen blueberries
  • 2 small beets, a tiny bit of beet juice
  • very large handful of spinach
  • 1/2 scoop protein powder
  • 1/2 almond milk
  • ice cubes
Just what I needed. I followed it up by finishing off my Lasagna Soup. I had 3/4 c. whole wheat pasta, a big handful of steamed spinach, and topped it with the soup, and a giant scoop of cottage cheese for an extra punch of protein and flavor. I also had 3 cheesy garlic crustinis on the side.

Mixed up it was more like a pasta dish than a soup! Hit the spot!

I also had 3 of these ice cream cookies.

And still hungry a little later, I snacked on some leftover roasted veggies.

Saturday I slept in and when I got up [at noon] I ran out the door to meet a friend. I had a banana on the way and then after shopping had this cobb salad. Avocado, bacon, boiled egg, olives, blue cheese crumbles, tomatoes, chicken, blue cheese dressing and greasy garlic bread!

Afternoon snack was cheese & crackers and kombucha. For some reason I thought I would like this Gingerberry flavor even though I don't really like ginger all that much... I only had a 1/3 of it and put it back in the fridge, just in case I decide I like ginger better another day!

Dinner Saturday evening was a Sushi Samba for a friends birthday. We were having so much fun I completely forgot to take any photos! The manager brought out some tempura green beans and  Peruvian Bay Scallops with a parmesan-shisho crust. Super yummy! For dinner I had the Carnival roll with shrimp and avocado. I should have taken pictures!!! It was a great meal! After dinner we headed over to LAX to dance, dance, dance and swim in cocktails. :-)

Oh wow! Let me tell ya, my head was hurting the next day! There was coconut water, cheesy potatoes, Propel, coconut water and more coconut water. And did I say cheesy potatoes? Yes I did! These were the perfect hangover fix!

I took 1 cup frozen hashbrowns, 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt, and about 1/3 cup grated cheese mixed it together and baked at 400* for about 30 minutes. End result, AMAZING!

These held me over [with more coconut water] until dinner. I went to FireFly, my favorite tapas place, for dinner with a friend. I was so excited to photograph everything for the blog and then we started chatting about all the craziness from the night before and I totally forgot! Everything we had was so good too!

We started with a pitcher of sangria, a little hair of the dog. Then we had shrimp ceviche, Kobe beef sliders, and calamari. I finally remembered to photograph these little buggers! Our last dish of dates and almonds wrapped in bacon with blue cheese crumbles. As always, food was amazing!

We followed this up with dessert sampler of flan, chocolate cake, cheesecake bites, and lemon tarts. Yep, cheat weekend. We then headed to another restaurant to meet some more friends and have another glass of wine but we made sure we got home at a reasonable hour this time. Hope you all had a good weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Uhhuh. Your eats looks delicious, especially that salad made me drool :D

    I don't know if I have a food policy, but I try to eat everyday something that makes me happy and feel good, it's not necessary always something healthy, but nobody's perfect! :)

